Sharing streams with Apple TV

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Blank Cone
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Sharing streams with Apple TV

Postby Pluto is a Planet » 16 Feb 2012 23:33

Hi I was wondering, if I wanted to play something on my TV with VLC, through Apple TV and iTunes, how would I set up the stream?

I can already stream media to a file and save, that's easy for me. I'm hoping to eventually get VLC to display my desktop on my TV. So I know you can stream files via HTTP and stuff, and so if I can pick up a stream with iTunes that comes from VLC, then I can play it with our Apple TV. I tried looking into it, but I'm just not very good at this stuff. Can you help me set it up?

Here's an example of what I see in iTunes that I can use to pick up a stream, potentially from VLC I presume:


Pluto is a Planet
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Sharing streams with Apple TV

Postby Pluto is a Planet » 27 Apr 2012 01:53

Any ideas guys? :D

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Re: Sharing streams with Apple TV

Postby bjriffel » 17 May 2012 13:53

I think that an unmodified aTV can only watch the streams that Apple has preconfigured into the UI. If you jailbroke your aTV you could install apps on it. If you have a first gen aTV you could hack it and install boxee or xbmc. Just because you can open a stream in iTunes doesn't mean your aTV can watch it. What is it exactly that you are trying to stream? Live tv?

Pluto is a Planet
Blank Cone
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Re: Sharing streams with Apple TV

Postby Pluto is a Planet » 03 Jul 2012 23:49

Sorry about the late reply...

The Apple TV we have is jailbroken and has XBMC on it. My dad's the one who knows the details... But he says that anything we can get playing on iTunes we can play on our Apple TV.

Having said that, I want to be able to stream my screen, and have a specific URL that I can use to access the video stream at any time. Right now, I can't even get my stream to play anywhere, so the first step is getting the right URL. It would be great if I could stream over our network and then be able to watch that whenever I want to.

New Cone
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Re: Sharing streams with Apple TV

Postby JGRE » 16 Dec 2012 21:06

Take a look at Beamer for OSX, they are capable of streaming content to a ATV non-jailbroken. Wouldn't be great if VLC could also do this?

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