Recommendations for video mixing software

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New Cone
New Cone
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Recommendations for video mixing software

Postby jamesreid » 15 Jan 2012 11:47


I'm currently using VLC to broadcast a single IP camera out to a server on the internet, and all is working well.

I'm looking to add a couple of extra IP cameras, but would like to run some sort of mixing software that allows me to select the camera that I want to broadcast. The solution that I'm contemplating would look something like:

IP Camera 1 -----------\
IP Camera 2 ------- Mixer ---->VLC -----> Webserver
IP Camera 3 -----------/

Mixer would be responsible for receiving multiple (realtime) inputs, provides a simple user interface to select the desired input, and then creates an output to VLC that can transcode to webserver etc.

I'm trying to find something that is open source to use for the Mixer, preferably running on Windows (prepared to sacrifice Windows if really necessary)... can anyone provide some suggestions?


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 11 Jul 2009 03:47

Re: Recommendations for video mixing software

Postby jamesreid » 23 Jan 2012 08:59

Sorry... I can't quite see the connection with what you are saying and what my question was???


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