Looking for VLC S&C (android) but for PC

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Looking for VLC S&C (android) but for PC

Postby m4f1050 » 10 Dec 2011 18:03

Hi, I currently run multiple streaming options from my unRAID and Win7 "server" machine, but I am not happy with remote playback from a PC.

My Servers setup:

Windows 7 running:
VPN (a MUST,) VLC with http/rstp streaming and TVersity

unRAID server running:
airvideo & plex

My clients setup:

iPad for:
airvideo and plex

Android tablet & phone for:
plex, VLC S&C and TVersity via flash on website (no mkv)

--WHAT I WANT BADLY-- PC only working with TVersity (but I can only play MP4 and some AVI's)

My question is, is there a similar program like VLC S&C for android that will let me browse and stream using my VLC as a server???

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