MJPEG Streaming to iPhone

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MJPEG Streaming to iPhone

Postby dmprio » 19 Jul 2011 01:10


I am trying to use VLC to transcode a directshow input to MJPEG and stream it over HTTP to the iPhone.

Currently, I have been using this command:
vlc -vvv dshow:// :sout=#transcode{vcodec=MJPG,vb=2000,scale=1}:duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=mpjpeg,dst=}}

When I open the stream in another instance of VLC, the stream opens perfectly. When I attempt to launch this stream in the iPhone browser, the video is not displayed. The message is "Safari cannot open this file."

Has anyone used VLC to successfully do this? Also, I am open to any suggestions for streaming directshow to the iPhone.


New Cone
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Re: MJPEG Streaming to iPhone

Postby tristandwane » 19 Jul 2011 12:34

Hi dmprio,

Try this link, it doesn't address MJPEG, but uses HTTP Live streaming to allow camera via Direct show to stream to iPhone or iPad.

http://blog.graffen.dk/post/Publishing- ... h-VLC.aspx

I have addateded this to create HLS service for my DVB-T card.

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New Cone
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Re: MJPEG Streaming to iPhone

Postby dmprio » 19 Jul 2011 16:23


Thank you for the suggestion. I spent last week implementing HTTP Live streaming and was able to successfully get a stream from DirectShow to my iPad. The problem is that this solution introduced an 8 second delay in the video being captured from my webcam. Unfortunately, this is too high for my application. I theorize that I will be able to get lower latency with MJPEG and my initial tests with VLC seem to confirm this.

This brings me to two questions

1) Were you able to achieve better than 8 seconds latency with HTTP Live streaming? I am shooting for better than 2 seconds.
2) Does anyone else have any other solutions for streaming a webcam (via Directshow) to the iPad.

Still open to any solutions to the original posted question as well.

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