vlc1.1.1 -H have problem

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Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
Posts: 103
Joined: 07 Jan 2009 05:12

vlc1.1.1 -H have problem

Postby yuer1108 » 23 Jul 2010 09:18

the R1.1.1 Vlc -H output have problem as below.

vlc://quit Special item to quit VLC

鏈壘鍒板尮閰嶇殑妯″潡銆備娇鐢?--list 鎴?--list-verbose 鏉ュ垪鍑哄彲鐢ㄦā鍧椼€?

VBI 鍜?Teletext 瑙g爜鍣?
--vbi-page=<鏁存暟> Teletext 椤?
鎵撳紑鍙兘鐨?Teletext 椤点€傞粯璁ょ殑椤垫槸绱㈠紩 100
--vbi-opaque, --no-vbi-opaque
鏂囨湰鎬绘槸涓嶉€忔槑 (榛樿寮€鍚?

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