mpeg 4 transcoding stable in VLC 0.8.6

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 41
Joined: 18 Sep 2009 14:49

mpeg 4 transcoding stable in VLC 0.8.6

Postby weeraman » 25 Feb 2010 06:25


I have tested Transcoding a MPEG2 TS to MPEG 4 (RTP) with VLC 0.8.6 and 0.9.9
Seems the older version 8.6 produces higher quality output than the newer one (for same transcoding parameters) :-o

But I don't have the versatility to change the codec to a newer one in 8.6 (h 264) (it gives 'segmentation error' and application halts)

I get numerous errors/warnings in 0.9.9 while nothing in 8.6.. (to name a few of the errors ....... rc buffer underflow, late picture skipped)
and the CPU utilization is impressive compared to 0.9.9!!

Any idea of what is the reason for this ? and how do I make the same performance happen in 0.9.9.. (by changing some configs.. ? )

Thanks in advance.


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 41
Joined: 18 Sep 2009 14:49

Re: mpeg 4 transcoding stable in VLC 0.8.6

Postby weeraman » 25 Feb 2010 06:34

to add something..

I tested above on Windows XP..

can I install multiple versions of VLC on Linux environment also? (as a workaround for the h264 transcoding issue)

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