trying to get a CBR stream

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trying to get a CBR stream

Postby FeR » 04 Jan 2008 12:57


I have seen several topics in the forum about CBR however I have not get any clear answer.

There is no problem with the audio. It keeps a constant bitrate. The problem is with the video bitrate. By default VLC has a VBR. If no option is specified in my PC the maximum bitrate I get is around 1 Mbps although I specify a bigger one.

I have been trying some options and it seems that when using ffmpeg as video encoder I can set the bit tolerance to zero. It seems to work when I am transcoding a video with movement. i monitor the bitrate with TSReader or any other program and the bitrate looks more or less constant. Therefore when the video is a static image (or there is almost no movement) the bitrate goes down.

I have also tried the option strict-rc but it just changes the bitrate field in the elementary stream header. I have not noticed any other changes.

Any idea about how should I get the desired constant bitrate for MPEG-2 output streams? Of course I have not noticed any padding as i may get if I use an harmonic encoder. Is it possible to set null packets in the output stream?

Thank you,


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: trying to get a CBR stream

Postby msvittal » 05 Feb 2010 19:52

Hi Fernando,

Did you get answer for this one ? Even I am in need of command line to stuff NULL packets in the VLC output.
Please let me know if any one has solution for this.


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