Problem with two NICs

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New Cone
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Problem with two NICs

Postby astlin » 08 Oct 2009 06:37

Hi. My server has two NICs - NIC1(eth0) and NIC2(eth1). I receive TS multicast from NIC2, grab some programs from it and trying to send them to NIC1.
This is my vlc launch line:

vlc -vvv --miface=eth0 udp://@ --ttl 12 --programs=14802,14803,14804 --sout-standard-access=udp --sout-standard-mux=ts --sout \
'#duplicate{dst=std{dst=},select="program=14802", \
dst=std{dst=},select="program=14803", \

vlc receives stream only if i add route: route add -net netmask dev eth1
but it doesn't transmit it to NIC1. i thought --miface or --miface-addr option would resolve this problem, but alas. help, please :)

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