stream mpeg ts over firewire

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stream mpeg ts over firewire

Postby rommeladres » 07 Jan 2005 17:51

Anyone knows how to do this ?
With directshow I can control the HD digital camera. (play , stop, rewind, record)
But how can I send a transport stream over the firewire to the camera ?
I suppose I have to mention stream export, but what do I have to fill in the box stream output MRL ? directshow or something ?
Last edited by rommeladres on 08 Jan 2005 13:56, edited 1 time in total.

Big Cone-huna
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Postby markfm » 08 Jan 2005 13:52

Not sure what you're asking. A video camera should be a source of video, not a sink.

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Postby rommeladres » 08 Jan 2005 14:08

the mpeg transport stream is comming from the camera.
I want to send it back now.
Is that possible with VLC ?

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Postby markfm » 08 Jan 2005 14:13

It depends on the drivers the camera vendor has supplied. If you launch VLC (definitely want the latest version, probably use a nightly build), do a File -- Open Capture Device. Press "Refresh" next to "Video device", then see if the camera is available in the drop-down list.

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Postby rommeladres » 08 Jan 2005 15:13

yes it is available in the list
if i press configure, there is mentioned: recording is possible
when playing the file , it is only playing on the computer screen
something must be missing

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Postby markfm » 08 Jan 2005 15:18

If you then want to stream it, you select the "Stream output" checkbox, then press Settings.
At that point it depends on what you want to do, save to a file or stream multicast UDP, or stream MMSH.
For example:
UDP multicast, address
Under Transcoding options check the Video and Audio codec checkboxes.

Press OK to close the stream output window, then OK again -- the video is now being streamed multicast.

To see it on another PC, launch VLC, do an Open Network Stream, type in, in the address field.

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Postby rommeladres » 08 Jan 2005 15:59

I d'ont want to transcode; just send the file comming from the camera back to it.
So i want to stream it to the camera
Whe using the wizard, it asks : enter the adress of the computer to stream to ; but i want to stream trough firewire via directshow.
What do I have to enter here ?

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Postby markfm » 08 Jan 2005 17:14

There's no way to do that that I know of. VLC is designed to stream to a file or local display or a network.

Streaming towards a camera does not make sense to me -- it's a data source.

The VLC DirectShow interface is an input interface, not output. Similar to v4l under Linux -- it provides the hooks for something that is generating audio/video data, to connect to it and receive the AV.


Postby Guest » 10 Jan 2005 10:46

it makes sense since the digital camera records digital information, a mpeg 2 transport stream.
When playing the file on the camera it also outputs this stream. This one can be captured on the computer and converted in VLC to an mpeg 2 program stream so you can edit the video file in every program. I already did this and it works .
Now I want to send back a transport stream to the camera so I can record it back on tape.

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Postby tomroth » 11 Jan 2005 03:28

I'm not a VLC expert by any means, but I do have some experience with Digital Video Cameras. My experience is that there is no camera that will do both in AND out via IEEE1394 (Firewire), it is only an output, not an input. To record you must use a dedicated DV Recorder or use the Composite/S-Video inputs that the camera has. Therefore VLC won't work for what you are trying. I have been out of the business for a couple of years and also live in the U.S., so I may be slightly out of touch, but I believe I am right.



Postby Guest » 20 Jan 2005 12:22

Yes it can record back mpeg streams. I have software for dooing this but was looking for some freeware app that could do the same.


Postby ddennedy » 03 Feb 2005 14:52

I'm not a VLC expert by any means, but I do have some experience with Digital Video Cameras. My experience is that there is no camera that will do both in AND out via IEEE1394 (Firewire), it is only an output, not an input.
Sorry, you are wrong. Most firewire cameras do support both transmission and reception. I am a Linux 1394 and Kino video editor developer; I know. This is typically true for DV cameras, not always the case for DTV settop boxes (my DirecTV HD receivers do :-)). Since the original poster was talking about the new HDV, I am not sure, but I would be quite disappointed if it did not.

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stream mpeg ts over firewire

Postby kirkpatrick » 18 Mar 2005 11:53

I'm not a VLC expert by any means, but I do have some experience with Digital Video Cameras. My experience is that there is no camera that will do both in AND out via IEEE1394 (Firewire), it is only an output, not an input.
Sorry, you are wrong. Most firewire cameras do support both transmission and reception. I am a Linux 1394 and Kino video editor developer; I know. This is typically true for DV cameras, not always the case for DTV settop boxes (my DirecTV HD receivers do :-)). Since the original poster was talking about the new HDV, I am not sure, but I would be quite disappointed if it did not.
I understand what rommeladres is requesting. I'm looking for the same function from the VLC player aspect. Maybe it would have been more clear if the term "Camcorder" was used instead of "Camera". As far as I know, most DV camcorders can play back or record back to tape from the firewire port.

I'm looking for a method to send not just DV but HDV (From Sony's new HVR-Z1U Camcorder) over LAN / WiFi to a receiver with VLC running and instead of just playing it on the screen, send it out to the firewire port so I can connect the PC to another firewire device. (Production Switcher) Another nice feature would be to output to a virtual input so it can be piped to another application. the output appears as another video input to another application.

Can anyone write a module to do this if VLC doesn't already have this function?


Postby gustavo » 28 Mar 2005 08:53

I use a program that is "video to dv", it's a very small program. 800kb you can use it with fddshow and you can put subtitles whit it too, I save divx movies so I can wath them in any tv.
If you want to add me I can give you the file. gustavo_ba@hotmail
my camera is an old one sony dcr pc1 pal b


Re: stream mpeg ts over firewire

Postby micml » 12 Jan 2006 11:49

I'm not a VLC expert by any means, but I do have some experience with Digital Video Cameras. My experience is that there is no camera that will do both in AND out via IEEE1394 (Firewire), it is only an output, not an input.
Sorry, you are wrong. Most firewire cameras do support both transmission and reception. I am a Linux 1394 and Kino video editor developer; I know. This is typically true for DV cameras, not always the case for DTV settop boxes (my DirecTV HD receivers do :-)). Since the original poster was talking about the new HDV, I am not sure, but I would be quite disappointed if it did not.
I understand what rommeladres is requesting. I'm looking for the same function from the VLC player aspect. Maybe it would have been more clear if the term "Camcorder" was used instead of "Camera". As far as I know, most DV camcorders can play back or record back to tape from the firewire port.

I'm looking for a method to send not just DV but HDV (From Sony's new HVR-Z1U Camcorder) over LAN / WiFi to a receiver with VLC running and instead of just playing it on the screen, send it out to the firewire port so I can connect the PC to another firewire device. (Production Switcher) Another nice feature would be to output to a virtual input so it can be piped to another application. the output appears as another video input to another application.

Can anyone write a module to do this if VLC doesn't already have this function?
I tried the Sony's HDV Camcorder (connect to my pc with 1394) and stream out live successfully using vlc under windows. You just need to open the capture device and then check teh stream out with whatever mean you want. Then it works.
Currently, I am trying to do the same in linux, What I know is that I need to make the vlc read the 1394 in my linux. Hope anyone can give me some clues.

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