im trying to make a website to allow me watch my movies from anywhere with internet (something like orb or windows media server) but using ubuntu linux. im sure this has been asked a million times, but i've been at it for the last 3 days now and still feel that im going around in circles.
this is what i got working until now:
but this creates a file (testout.ts) .. what i want to do is to click on my link from the web browser and my apache will then (using vlc) transcode the selected file and starts streaming it out.cvlc -vvv /storage/videos/1.avi –sout '#transcode{vcodec=mp1v,vb=512,acodec=mpga,ab=64,scale=0.5,deinterlace}:standard{access=file,dst=testout.ts,mux=ts}' vlc://quit
My other concern is that im running all of this out of ubuntu server 8.10 which i have no desktop installed on it (its my home server and i connect to it using ssh, so i dont need to overload it with a desktop) so, my question is: should i be using vlc or vls to acheive what im trying to do?
thanks all for your help