Streaming from Digital TV signal

About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage

Streaming from Digital TV signal

Postby dingoboyoz » 08 Dec 2004 05:38


Has anyone successfully used VideoLAN for streaming digital tv signals across a LAN? I would be most interested to know if it is possible and better still, details on how to configure it.


Streaming from Digital TV signal

Postby » 08 Dec 2004 06:22

From my understand, the DVB-T digital capture card is basically using the same Video capture chipset BT878 (or BT848)

the major difference is the additional DVB-T (QAM)demodulator, once the DVB-T (QAM) signal is demodulation, it is exactly the same signal as coming out from the traditional TV tuner and being fed to the BT878.

One simple way is u buy a DVB-T Setop box and fed the analog TV output to your TV capture card's analog TV input .

The analog sound output from the setop box should feed to your sound card's LINE input .

Then u can use the VLC081 to broadcast (multicast) the TV channels on your LAN in DVD quality (eg. 720x576 pixels).




Postby Guest » 09 Dec 2004 04:54

Uh, I suppose that would be one way of dealing with it, albeit with extra cost involved.

I take it then that no one has succesfully used VLC to stream digital
signals over a LAN directly from a digital tuner card?

It could have been so cool...

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 608
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 10:59

Postby Gibalou » 09 Dec 2004 15:18

VLC supports DVB cards on linux only (allows you to stream whole transponders or only selected programs). Have a look at

You might also be able to do the same thing on Windows if your card provides a directshow capture filter. Although this hasn't been tested at all.

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