I'm sorry...I'm not really sure where to put this...
I originally wanted to stream play lists over my LAN, and could reliably get VLC to do this, however, it would drop at the first song change. A quick google search showed to to be a common enough problem, namely with "sout". I tried a few things, and did some shotgun debugging on my end,and discovered that the file created when I told it to stream a play list does, in fact, still stream if you let the play list cycle back through to it. One thing led to another, and I found out that I can stream whole play lists, but I need to to tell it to tell it to stream them all individually.
Ex. Ctrl+A to select the whole play list, and right click, tell it to stream, and do the quick set up. A file is created, and this streams, however, it cycles into the regular files again, and only the one file streams. This file is normally the last file selected, regardless of group size.
Needless to say, this gets very tedious very fast...is there something I'm doing wrong on my end? Or is this just a known bug? Also, I apologize if I was a little incoherent, I've been up a while...if I need to I can try and explain a little more clearly.
Thank you in advance