Hi there. I have a friend who has loaned me the use of one of his servers. It is very high speed and can handle a number of connections, it is a linux based shell account with vlc installed and setup ready to go.
What i'm looking to do is stream video from my machine at home to the server, and have the server multicast it to some other friends. This is for a webcam I am setting up, but the webcam needs to be pretty much in realtime. My upstream max is 40k/s, but bare in mind that this would just be one stream up to the serevr.
I have the streaming working on my end, but i'm unsure how to setup this kind of thing with the server. How can i have vlc on the server receive the stream and simultaneously multicast it out? I am very new to vlc and have tried to look for some guides on such a setup but am unable to find any.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated, even if you just point me in the direction of the appropriate documentation.