How can I use RTCP for unicast streaming in VLC?

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New Cone
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How can I use RTCP for unicast streaming in VLC?

Postby shpark111 » 02 Nov 2004 05:58

I heard that RTCP is supported by VLC.
Where can I see RTCP-related code in VLC source code ?
I am trying to modify VLC source code for Adaptiv :? e unicast streaming depends on network status(avaialble bandwidth, loss, delay, ...).
So, I need feedback information from VLC receiver.
For this, I am wlling to use RTCP.
Up to now, I just found SAP-related code that it use CalculateRate function that concept is similar to RTCP.
But, I don't need SAP.
How can I use RTCP for unicast streaming in VLC ? :?

Frederic F
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Postby Frederic F » 10 Nov 2004 09:11

I may be wrong but I think that no RTCP handling is included in the core of VLC.
One way (perhaps the only one ?) to have VLC send RTCP reports is to use the liveMedia library, which includes RTCP. This is the case when you open a RTSP/SDP link in VLC.

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