WMV and bitrate limit

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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WMV and bitrate limit

Postby aegyssus » 06 Oct 2008 19:34

I noticed that I cannot really limit the stream bitrate when encoding in WMV 1 & 2.
Here is my VLM setting:

Code: Select all

setup ch1 output #transcode{vcodec=WMV2,vb=100,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=96,channels=2,deinterlace}:std{access=mmsh,mux=asfh,dst=:9080}
When watching the stream statistics in VLC client, I can see values between 3000-7000kbps. I tried 300 and 600 with the same results.
Windows Media Player however is indicating 196k which is the expected value but I am wondering if this value is real or is extracted from some metadata...
Many, many thanks for any suggestion on how to fix the bitrate.


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: WMV and bitrate limit

Postby aegyssus » 07 Oct 2008 05:46

Hi again,
In the meantime, I tried other vcodecs (WMV3,MP4,DIV3,MPEG-1...) but all of them have the very same issue: the stream is pushed way too fast which makes it usable inside local networks only...
Even huge caching on client side does help very much when streaming on Internet. Is there a way to tell VLC to limit its bitrate when it pushes the stream over the network?
Can anyone tell a successful story about streaming on Internet at controlled bitrate (with sout examples)?
Many thanks,

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: WMV and bitrate limit

Postby aegyssus » 07 Oct 2008 15:43

Meanwhile I ran some tests using Windows Media Encoder on Windows and I saw that their stream is correct, i.e. if it's configured at 330kbps, and I watch the stream with VLC then the streams statistics will not show a bigger value than 330 kb/s...
Here are some other questions/thoughts:
-Can anyone tell whether the bandwidth limit should be applied by HTTP streaming standard or by vcodec? I am trying to figure out what component is supposed to control the HTTP stream... Is it related to the compression or the encapsulation?
-Plan B: I am just wondering, will a bandwidth throttler help? I am thinking about using mod_bandwidth for apache but I have no idea if it's an appropriate solution.

Many thanks for any suggestion!

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: WMV and bitrate limit

Postby aegyssus » 08 Oct 2008 07:27

Ok, so here is the conclusion: it really was a bug in VLC-0.8.6i which is the version that I currently use, given that LIVNA did not issue yet a 0.9.x version...
For those who have the same issue it's important to mention that this bug was fixed. Here are the details.

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