Code: Select all
vlc some.avi --sout #transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=256,fps=25,maxwidth=320,maxheight=240,canvas-width=320,canvas-height=240,canvas-aspect=4:3,sfilter=logo,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2}:std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst=some.mp4} --logo-file logo.png
-- later --
But on the other hand logo is displayed on the bottom margin that didn't exist before rescaling, and the picture itself keeps the initial aspect ratio (only convas changes), but the logo is stratched somehow.. hmm.. don't know what to think. Any guesses why does it happen and what can be done?
Sample picture. The wheel on the logo should be round (equal height and width) and the logo should be 54x54px (64x64px including transparent margins).
P.S.: I've tested the same command line with the 704x528 (4:3) input file, the logo now remains its initial proportions but keeps getting significantly smaller.
What am I doing wrong?..
-- added later --
For now I use something like this:
Code: Select all
vlc some.avi --sout #transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=512,maxwidth=320,maxheight=240,canvas-width=320,canvas-height=240,canvas-aspect=4:3}:transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=256,fps=25,sfilter=logo,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2}:std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst=some.mp4} --logo-file logo.png
-- added more then half a year later --
Thanks to everyone for helpfull answers. I'm still looking for help if anybody cares.