Streaming multiple streams in multiple formats with Darwin

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New Cone
New Cone
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Streaming multiple streams in multiple formats with Darwin

Postby rwklink » 21 Sep 2007 16:14


We need to stream a number of live feeds to multiple type of clients. (web, mobile, ...) This means we have to transcode our feeds into multiple formats.

This works fine if we only generate 1 stream, like this

Code: Select all

vlc -vvv --reset-config INPUTSTREAM --sout #transcode:rtp --sout-transcode-vcodec=mp4v --sout-transcode-width=128 --sout-transcode-height=96 --sout-transcode-vb=16 --sout-transcode-acodec=mp4a --sout-transcode-ab=16 --sout-transcode-channels=1 --sout-transcode-venc=ffmpeg{keyint=6,strict=1,strict-rc=1} --sout-rtp-dst= --sout-rtp-port=1230 --sout-rtp-ttl=127 --sout-rtp-sdp=OUTPUT.sdp
However if I generate another stream with simular settings this stream displays the data of the first stream

Code: Select all

vlc -vvv --reset-config INPUTSTREAM2 --sout #transcode:rtp --sout-transcode-vcodec=mp4v --sout-transcode-width=128 --sout-transcode-height=96 --sout-transcode-vb=16 --sout-transcode-acodec=mp4a --sout-transcode-ab=16 --sout-transcode-channels=1 --sout-transcode-venc=ffmpeg{keyint=6,strict=1,strict-rc=1} --sout-rtp-dst= --sout-rtp-port=1234 --sout-rtp-ttl=127 --sout-rtp-sdp=OUTPUT2.sdp
How do I generate multiple streams in such a way that the Darwin Streaming server can display all separate live feeds?

Thanks in advance

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 14
Joined: 26 Mar 2007 21:23

Re: Streaming multiple streams in multiple formats with Darwin

Postby hammadkom » 30 Oct 2007 09:05

Peace upon you
Dear if you need darwin to support multiple streams you should do these issues
- each stream should contains its own ports
- once you create file.sdp with specific ports , dont replace it with new ports , darwin will not affected by new ports

the default audio port is 1230
default video port is 1232

in your chain add port-audio and port-video param and set there values within ranges of UDP ports , but make sure that selected ports are free

after sdp file creation open it using notepad and see created ports inside it and make sure that these ports are not used in any previous sdp files exists in darwin media folder

i hope it helps
fee free to ask me any questions

Thanks and regards
Mohammad Hammad

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