VLC as a HTTP web server

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New Cone
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VLC as a HTTP web server

Postby theRookie » 21 Aug 2007 17:58

Hi guys, I was wondering if I could use a VLC that is streaming to some URL adress like http://server:port as a web server on those adress and port. I mean, can I make a client communicate with that VLC at that adress by sending HTTP requests? For the time, my client is a java class using an URLConnection object to connect to the adress where my VLC is streaming and I would like to try to get the data that is streamed (with a getInputStream method or some ) but the connection doesn't work.
That's the third time I try to fix that problem and I don't suceed so please guys I need some help. I'll appreciate any response to this topic.

see y'all

New Cone
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Re: VLC as a HTTP web server

Postby erwin » 23 Aug 2007 13:13

You might find the Wireshark capture files in my topic "Windows Mobile 5.0 can't pull stream from VLC" interesting:


New Cone
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Re: VLC as a HTTP web server

Postby theRookie » 23 Aug 2007 15:43

I Thank U for the time you took to try to help me fix that problem, Erwin. But, the wireshark capture files you posted on that sendspace link are no longer available. and I don't understand how those posts could help me.
However, I have fixed the connection problem between the my java application and the adress where VLC is sending packets. It was just a default in my implementation. You can be sure that using a URLConnection API for such matter works without a problem. for those who are interested, you simply have to use the method connect() on an URLConnection object that represents a connection to the URL where your VLC is streaming data.

Thank you again erwin

New Cone
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Re: VLC as a HTTP web server

Postby ff103 » 16 Oct 2007 01:19

Would you care to post the instructions on how you did this? and are you streaming it to the open internet and not just a LAN?

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: VLC as a HTTP web server

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 18 Oct 2007 20:34

HTTP is not exactly meant to send files, rather to receive them. Sure there is the PUT method, but nobody implements it anyway.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
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Re: VLC as a HTTP web server

Postby biray » 21 Oct 2007 04:50

Hi guys, I was wondering if I could use a VLC that is streaming to some URL adress like http://server:port as a web server on those adress and port. I mean, can I make a client communicate with that VLC at that adress by sending HTTP requests? For the time, my client is a java class using an URLConnection object to connect to the adress where my VLC is streaming and I would like to try to get the data that is streamed (with a getInputStream method or some ) but the connection doesn't work.
That's the third time I try to fix that problem and I don't suceed so please guys I need some help. I'll appreciate any response to this topic.

see y'all

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