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VLC for Unity deployment to Hololens 2 error

Posted: 06 Nov 2020 23:03
by apranvoku
I've been using the new VLC for Unity package, and I managed to stream from VLC into Unity. The project I'm developing for currently targets the Hololens 2, but whenever i deploy my project, I get an error stating that the kernel32.dll cannot be found. Is this an error with the configuration of the dlls in Unity, or can the package simply not run on the ARM architecture that the Hololens 2 runs on?

Re: VLC for Unity deployment to Hololens 2 error

Posted: 11 Nov 2020 11:17
by mfkl
VLC for Unity currently only supports Windows Classic target, with x64, not UWP. Hololens is UWP (and arm).

Re: VLC for Unity deployment to Hololens 2 error

Posted: 11 Nov 2020 19:19
by apranvoku
Thanks for the reply. Does this mean that it will never work for the Hololens2, or is there a chance that it might work but there's no guarantee? Currently I am just using the LibVLCSharp plugin to stream from UDP being broadcasted by my computer to the Hololens2.

Re: VLC for Unity deployment to Hololens 2 error

Posted: 12 Nov 2020 09:49
by mfkl
The VLC for Unity (Windows) plugin will only target Win32 so it won't work with UWP, ever. It is not meant to.
There will be in the future a VLC for UWP plugin that will work on Unity, however it's not written yet and we have no ETA.