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Xbox one x no hdr support?

Posted: 02 May 2018 22:08
by Braxnl

With the recent VLC version my xbox one x doesn’t restart anymore when trying to playback an 4k video! While that’s great, I unfortunately now have an issue with playing back HDR videos. The video plays, but HDR won’t enable!

Would be great if this issue would be fixed in a future release. Thanks a lot in advanced!

Re: Xbox one x no hdr support?

Posted: 03 May 2018 09:38
by mfkl
Hi Braxnl,
my xbox one x doesn’t restart anymore when trying to playback an 4k video
That was an Xbox driver issue and probably fixed by an Xbox OS update, not by us.

Is your file x265 HEVC?

Re: Xbox one x no hdr support?

Posted: 03 May 2018 09:59
by Braxnl
Yes the file is x265 HEVC. I've tried several videos with HDR but none of them unfortunately enable HDR. So to be clear, the video actually starts playing, but the HDR part just doesn't work. When I try to play the same videos on VLC for Android TV HDR does work.

Re: Xbox one x no hdr support?

Posted: 03 May 2018 10:34
by mfkl
none of them unfortunately enable HDR.
From this quick google search, it seems to be hit or miss for x265 on Xbox One X I'm afraid. ... refox-b-ab