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Folder Names that contain - or . get chopped

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 22:49
by rhscjohn
Windows 10 UWP VLC version 3.0

I have folder named: The X-Files. In VLC => Shows, I get: The Files

I have a folder named: Marvel Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D In VLC => Shows, I get: Marvel Agents Of

Re: Folder Names that contain - or . get chopped

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 15:17
by mfkl
Hi rhscjohn,

Thanks for the report. That's now fixed at ... 412b85155a

You will now get
"The X Files" and "Marvel Agents Of S H I E L D".
I know it's not ideal, but title casing is tricky because torrents can have all kinds of special characters that needs removing (but the dots in the case of the Marvel would stay, ideally), and it also depends on the culture set on the computer (some cultures/languages do different casing).

That should be good enough for now. Let me know if you're happy with it (fix will be in 3.0.1).