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Shortcuts Faster, Slow and Volume doesn't work

Posted: 24 Oct 2017 22:13
by Ste_GMZ
I have VLC Version on my Microsoft Surface pro4 with Windows 10.
Shortcuts for faster and slower (and volume control,while it's used ctrl+ or ctrl-) doesn't work!
It seems to be a problem with the + and - keys, as you can see while I'm writing they work
but seem not work on VLC, while all the other shortcuts as M or Space works.
Can somebody help me?

Re: Shortcuts Faster, Slow and Volume doesn't work

Posted: 25 Oct 2017 11:08
by mfkl
Yep this has been broken for a while I think. Just fixed it now, will part of the next release.
In the meantime for the volume control, you can use the touch or mouse + click motion on the video screen.

Thanks for the report S.