trouble building UWP version
Posted: 23 Nov 2016 03:31
I'm running into a few problems with building. I am using Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10/Build 10586.
When I attempt to build and package the front-end (open build/VLC_WINRT.sln and then Create App Packages for either Debug/x86 or Debug/x64), I get build errors within Visual Studio. In particular, numerous files (e.g. EqualizerCX.cpp, EventManagerCX.cpp, DialogCX.cpp, InstanceCX.cpp, etc.) in ..\libvlcpp\cppcx cannot be opened because they don't exist, vlc/vlc.h and vlc_common.h cannot be found, either. I looked for these source files in and vlc-x86_64-win10-20160610-1446.7z but could not find them. How do I get these files?
What is the "vlc" directory relative to? For example, if extracted to C:\_src\vlc-winrt-2.1.2, does that mean "vlc" is C:\_src\vlc-winrt-2.1.2 or C:\_src\vlc-winrt-2.1.2\vlc.Extract the libVLC contents from the archive to vlc/<os>/vlc-<platform>/<configuration>
<os> is either Windows, Windows Phone or Universal (Universal *includes* W10M)
<platform> is either ARM or x86
<configuration> is Debug or Release
When I attempt to build and package the front-end (open build/VLC_WINRT.sln and then Create App Packages for either Debug/x86 or Debug/x64), I get build errors within Visual Studio. In particular, numerous files (e.g. EqualizerCX.cpp, EventManagerCX.cpp, DialogCX.cpp, InstanceCX.cpp, etc.) in ..\libvlcpp\cppcx cannot be opened because they don't exist, vlc/vlc.h and vlc_common.h cannot be found, either. I looked for these source files in and vlc-x86_64-win10-20160610-1446.7z but could not find them. How do I get these files?
I have tried to run this from both C:\_src\vlc-winrt-2.1.2. I always get a "fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git" message. I can see that the folder has .gitattributes, .gitignore, .gitmodules but I have no idea why I'm getting this error. If it helps, git --version returns git version"git submodule update --init" in the vlc-winrt/ folder.
I tried to make this work, but I don't see any similarly-named appx packages. Are these appx packages created in a previous step, or acquired from someplace?Install VCRT dependency:
Add-AppxPackage Dependencies/x86/*
( or Add-AppxPackage Dependencies/x86/Microsoft.VCLibs.x86.Debug.11.00.appx if you feel like it )