MediaVLCKit underlying cmimagebuffer/cvpixelbuffer

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MediaVLCKit underlying cmimagebuffer/cvpixelbuffer

Postby stevenpr » 08 Apr 2024 11:30


I'm working on a project to take a RTSP video stream and display it on an iOS device. I have been able to do this using MobileVLCKit successfully.
However, I also want to be able to access the underlying cmimagebuffer/cvpixelbuffer to perform object tracking via the native iOS Vision library.

Is this possible using MobileVLCKit or similar? Am I correct that the 4.0 version should enable me to access the underlying libvlc instance to do this, or is there any other method? (Although it doesn't appear that v4.0 is available for MobileVLCKit, at least not via cocoapods at the moment)


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