-Sort setting is not saved once you close~open the app. Reverts to default (Alphanumerically)
-Automatic playlist not working for files with S0XE0X tag. Example: Suits S01E01, Suits S02E02 = Suits S01 folder
Smart handling of music albums and TV shows
VLC for iOS 2.1 added smart handling of music albums and TV shows. Based upon meta tags and pattern matched file names, VLC for iOS will automatically detect TV shows and music albums. Switching the library mode in the sidebar menu will reveal dynamic collections for either category. "All Files" switches back to the default mode listing all files available on your iOS device within the VLC context.
How are TV shows detected by VLC for iOS?—at present, based upon the file name. The following schemes are supported in current releases: "Show.Name.S01E01.Optional.Episode.Name" or "Show.Name.0x00.Optional.Episode.Name". Show Name will become optional in version 2.2.1. Detection for more schemes will be part of future releases.
Thanks, VLC!