Yeah, I tried transferring this ml.xspf file via the web interface. I also created Untitled.M3U playlist with all these stations, and uploaded it via the web interface, too.
However, on iOS VLC's side it looks like this: (i.e., they don't transform into actual playlists, instead, they appear just as regular files) and if opening those, they play just the first(?) entry
Would be grateful for some advice may be
And yeah, I understand, of course, about the problem with local files but as I said, I only have links to some internet radio stations there, which should play OK, something like this:
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<playlist xmlns="" xmlns:vlc="" version="1">
<title>Media Library</title>
<title>Ancient FM</title>
<extension application="">
<title>Audiophile Baroque</title>
<extension application="">
---rest skipped----