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Not enough storage error

Posted: 17 Aug 2018 20:43
by Dsb
Could someone assist me please. I am able to move video files from my computer to my iPhone via iTunes without problem until I try to move files larger than 5 gb (estimated size). I get an iTunes error that says “not enough storage space”. But my iPhone has plenty of storage to spare, so I can’t figure out why I’m getting this error. Can anyone help me correct this problem? Thanks I’m advance!


Re: Not enough storage error

Posted: 29 Sep 2019 23:12
by sebkev
I have same issue. I have 20gb available on my iphone but when I try to transfer video to VLC via file sharing, I get the error not enough storage

anyone can help ?

Re: Not enough storage error

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 17:47
by ebalazs9
Same problem here. Anyone with any ideas??
I am facing this issue on 2018 iPad Pro 10.5inch


Re: Not enough storage error

Posted: 12 Jul 2020 20:26
by steven259
Same problem here - plenty of space but get the not enough storage error. Using update IOS on Iphone SE (the old version) and Catalina current on Mac. Did anyone ever figure this out? Thanks!

Re: Not enough storage error

Posted: 12 Jul 2020 20:26
by steven259
Same problem here - plenty of space but get the not enough storage error. Using update IOS on Iphone SE (the old version) and Catalina current on Mac. Did anyone ever figure this out? Thanks!

Re: Not enough storage error

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 11:36
by LeicaLover
I have same problem. 256gig iPad with 129gig available but VLC won’t let me go over 128gig. What’s going on?

Re: Not enough storage error

Posted: 16 Jul 2020 22:13
by fkuehne
Thanks for the multiple reports that also match reviews on the App Store. How large are the individual files that you are trying to upload? Is this happening with iTunes (or the Finder/Music in Catalina) only or does the issue also occur when using WiFi Sharing to upload media to VLC using a web browser?

Re: Not enough storage error

Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:52
by LeicaLover
Hello, Thank yiu for the kind reply, the files I was attempting to move was one about 300mb and one at 4gig. As long as my 256 gig iPad was far enough below 1/2 filled these assorted test files streamed just fine, and saved from my NAS into VLC and played just fine. I have not tried to use iTunes to move the files recently - it didn’t work iirc. And I forgot about the web browser method to move files. Would you like me to test iTunes and the web browser and get back with brief notes on how it went? It behaves literally as if the app thinks It’s an 128gig iPad. I’ve triple checked - i have 128gig-ish available [depending on whether I’ve deleted the handful of test files moved to VLC. It won’t help you fix this bug, but a different video player app has exact same bug. Identical behaviour. Won’t go over 128gig. tbh I’m experimenting with VLC because of the prob with Its Playing Pro.
Richard ward.
Thanks for the multiple reports that also match reviews on the App Store. How large are the individual files that you are trying to upload? Is this happening with iTunes (or the Finder/Music in Catalina) only or does the issue also occur when using WiFi Sharing to upload media to VLC using a web browser?

Re: Not enough storage error

Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:05
by fkuehne
Yep, it would be very nice if you could experiment with the WiFi Sharing feature to see if that works. Thanks!

Re: Not enough storage error

Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:27
by LeicaLover
Yep, it would be very nice if you could experiment with the WiFi Sharing feature to see if that works. Thanks!
Hello Felix,
I tried both wifi sharing and moving files in Catalina. I was able to upload a 12gig more files than saving files off my nas drive, but then 100% nope. I have screenshots if that would be of any help somehow. fwiw my Catalina install is 100% clean - no non-apple software. Also my nas drive is a plain old white 2TB WD MyCloud which streams great to tv, iPad, and interacts w/ the Mac great. I don’t know what else I can offerto help.

Re: Not enough storage error

Posted: 18 Jul 2020 10:26
by LeicaLover
Yep, it would be very nice if you could experiment with the WiFi Sharing feature to see if that works. Thanks!
Hello Felix,
I tried both wifi sharing and moving files in Catalina. I was able to upload a 12gig more files than saving files off my nas drive, but then 100% nope. I have screenshots if that would be of any help somehow. fwiw my Catalina install is 100% clean - no non-apple software. Also my nas drive is a plain old white 2TB WD MyCloud which streams great to tv, iPad, and interacts w/ the Mac great. I don’t know what else I can offerto help.
Additionally: I could have sworn that I had saved some videos from my NAS within VLC onto my iPad, but now can’t find anyway to do so.