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upload .flac files and folder/cover image

Posted: 25 Mar 2018 23:20
by rudiratlos63
I've uploaded some music directories via the vlc webpage on ios. runs perfectly, but for bulk upload, I'm using the following linux script with curl.
My music lies on a debian linux machine and I'm uploading my highres music (.flac) with the following script. maybe it's useful for other people too:
'iosp' is the ip addr of my ios device in my local wifi network
'hres' is my root directoy of my nigh res music (genre pop rock)
you have to modify this info according to your needs.

echo "$1"
find "$1" -name "$2" -o -name "*.jpg" -exec curl -# -F file=@"{}" http://$iosip/upload.json > /dev/null \;
upl "$hres/Pop Rock/Level 42/Level Best" $flac
upl "$hres/Pop Rock/Michael Jackson/The Essential (2005) [24-96 HD FLAC]" $flac

Re: upload .flac files and folder/cover image

Posted: 25 Mar 2018 23:43
by rudiratlos63
another request:
using rsync
this whould upload only new/differential files

Re: upload .flac files and folder/cover image

Posted: 25 Mar 2018 23:45
by rudiratlos63
update for script:

find "$1" -type f \( -name "$2" -o -name "cover.jpg" -o -name "folder.jpg" \) -exec curl -# -F file=@"{}" http://$iosip/upload.json > /dev/null \;

Re: upload .flac files and folder/cover image

Posted: 25 Mar 2018 23:59
by rudiratlos63
tried to upload an image of my vlc ios gui, but I can't upload an image in this forum