VLC Apple TV / Can't resume video in Network Stream

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VLC Apple TV / Can't resume video in Network Stream

Postby gpbx » 22 Mar 2018 16:01

Hello !

Thanks for developping VLC in TvOS. This a great app ! Probably the best ;)

Since the last big update, i cannot resume video played via the Network Stream Section.

What I do to reproduce the bug :

I click on a link .m3u, in the recent url section. Everything is ok, when i press the play/pause button, the video pauses, but if i click again in order to resume the video, nothing happens, and the video is still in pause. The only way to make the video resume is to move the cursor in the time bar and click it. It's actually pretty easy to move the cursor and put it exactly where I paused, but it would be super perfect if i could resume video by pressing play pause button like before.

I confirm it used to work before the last update (maybe the last just before, because if i remember well, there was an other update pretty quickly after the one that breaks play pause but i'm not sure)

I tested in the local network and there's no problem.

Sorry for bad english and i hope i gave you enough detail to make it easier to debbug.

Posts: 371
Joined: 20 Jun 2017 15:29
Operating System: macOS, iOS

Re: VLC Apple TV / Can't resume video in Network Stream

Postby bubu? » 23 Mar 2018 14:23


Thank you for reporting this issue.
This issue is currently being taken care of!
Soomin Lee - bubu

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