Let me preface this by saying, I love the app. It's a lifesaver on ios. My problem is something I don't know if it's on your end or its on Microsoft's end. But, as a college student, I have a onedrive given to me by my university and I use that thing for a ton of school work which includes school and what not. Normally when I try to log into my microsoft 365/onedrive with my school email, a prompt will come up from microsoft asking you which email you're using. (My email for my personal account and my school account are the same.) The image below is that very prompt.
When I log into onedrive, it doesn't give me that prompt and it immediately defaults to my personal email. Is there anything I can do? Maybe writing my email differently or something?
I just changed the alias of my personal onedrive email to something else. So that solved that issue. But, when I tried to sign into onedrive using my office 365 email, it says it doesn't exist. So, I'm gonna assume VLC doesn't support that to the point where it says "That email doesn't exist." Is that something that can be solved or no?