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Using the VLC Remote paid version on IPHONE

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 15:20
by audiohaynow
just what i am looking for however other than finding my mac it freezes constantly and major delays in controling the video when it works if at all mostly freezes and trying to control while trying to cast forget about it. so can anyone help?

Re: Using the VLC Remote paid version on IPHONE

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 16:36
by dfuhrmann
The Videolan team does not develop any VLC remote software on iPhone as of today, and for sure we would never make a paid version. If a particular application makes problems, I would suggest you contact the developer directly.

Re: Using the VLC Remote paid version on IPHONE

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 21:35
by audiohaynow
While I appreciate the response however it is identical to your product it looks exactly the same they use the same icon and everything

Re: Using the VLC Remote paid version on IPHONE

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 21:46
by dfuhrmann
Could you please give us an app store link to this application?
Look at the detail page of the app, usually you will find the publisher / developer listed there...