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VLC iOS playlist stops when device locked

Posted: 09 Jan 2018 20:28
by aitte

For the last few versions VLC on iOS has an issue when playing music from a playlist when the device is locked. That is, when you start a playlist and lock the device, once the track is completed VLC does not go on to the next track automatically.

Does anybody else experience the same issue and is there a fix for this?

Thanks and much appreciated.

Re: VLC iOS playlist stops when device locked

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 15:41
by bubu?

I'm unable to reproduce the issue on VLC-iOS 2.8.7 - iOS 11.2.
Do you have the issue only with folders or are you encountering it on albums as well?

If you have any more info on how to reproduce it, iOS version or device, it would be great!

Re: VLC iOS playlist stops when device locked

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 17:51
by aitte
First of all, thank you for responding. I am on an iPad Air 2 Wifi running iOS 10.1.1. VLC latest version.
The issue occurs on both folders and albums. When I unlock and get back to VLC, it shows "Your input can't be opened. VLC is unable to open the MRL..."

I can't remember exactly from which version of VLC this issue started, but it has been a few months. Any help would be welcome.

Re: VLC iOS playlist stops when device locked

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:42
by danuet
I'm encountering the same issue. iPhone 7 iOS 11.2, VLC latest version

Re: VLC iOS playlist stops when device locked

Posted: 25 Jan 2018 08:14
by owik920
I may have the same problem. If you just load videos into VLC without creating a folder, is that a playlist? Because when I create a folder for my videos they play OK, although it seems you can't jump forward, just go to the next video.

But if I just load them from iTunes *without* creating a folder for them it doesn't quite work as expected.

Unlocked, repeat one works OK, but repeat all doesn't -it throws you back to the video list as soon as the video ends. If locked, both repeat one and repeat all play once then stop, and while the interface seems to be working actual playback is frozen -you can't do anything other than unlock, and once unlocked you just see a black screen with the same unresponsive playback controls -you only can click Done and go back to the video list.

Unlocked I can jump forward 60 seconds; if in repeat one, the video simply repeats from the beginning; if in repeat all, I can jump normally as long as the current video doesn't end; if the jump forward causes the current video to end, the next video never loads and I see a black screen with apparently unresponsive playback controls and I have to click Done to go back to the video list.

This "black screen, have to click Done to go back to the video list" sometimes happens when I have VLC on the background and is interrupted (say by a video playing in a web page) and when I reopen VLC, its stuck again.

It's important to note VLC never actually crashes -but it seems VLC has trouble when loading the next video when it's in the background, and playback controls sort of die but you can still go back to the video list.

I have VLC 2.8.7 (current as of this writing) on an iPhone 5S with iOS 10.3.3.

I don't get any error messages when this happens.


Re: VLC iOS playlist stops when device locked

Posted: 26 Jan 2018 12:09
by Carola
We know about the backgrounding issue but haven't found a fix for this yet.
We're gonna keep looking into it!

Re: VLC iOS playlist stops when device locked

Posted: 12 Jan 2019 07:26
by aitte
I have the same issue as the OP (iOS 12.1.2, VLC 3.1.5).

Re: VLC iOS playlist stops when device locked

Posted: 23 May 2019 16:09
by keithmacinnis
I'm having the same issue.
V 3.1.9 (325)

I imported my music by wifi,and dropped in a dozen folders/albums
If my phone is locked and the track ends, i have to move my phone in a way that makes the screen come back on, and then the track resumes audio. So track1 ends, headphones go silent, I look at my phone to see whats up, track2 starts playing audio but not from 0:00 but from 0:x where x is the the amount of time that I experienced silence.

Re: VLC iOS playlist stops when device locked

Posted: 23 Feb 2020 21:07
Same issue here.
Iphone 11

Re: VLC iOS playlist stops when device locked

Posted: 13 Nov 2023 01:21
by RIMIX04
I have found a way to resolve this Problem.
Sorry for my bad english, its not my first language.
When my iPhone 14 IOS 16.7.2 was in a lock screen the audio playback stopped with the error message ``Playback Interrupted``.
I tried many things from deleting the App multiple times, software updates and changing the settings around.


It worked for me when i redownloaded all of my music through the wifi feature on VLC.
My music imported from my old phone appear to have caused the problem.
After that the music worked fine in lock screen mode.

Hope that helps.

Re: VLC iOS playlist stops when device locked

Posted: 23 Nov 2023 13:48
by MystiqueWanderer
I have found a way to resolve this Problem.
Sorry for my bad english, its not my first language.
When my iPhone 14 IOS 16.7.2 was in a lock screen the audio playback stopped with the error message ``Playback Interrupted``.
I tried many things from deleting the App multiple times, software updates and changing the settings around.


It worked for me when i redownloaded all of my music through the wifi feature on VLC.
My music imported from my old phone appear to have caused the problem.
After that the music worked fine in lock screen mode.

Hope that helps.
I should definitely try it. Because I just changed my settings, my phone never locks when the app is running, which drains the battery really fast. I should try your method.
P.S. don't worry about your English. You've explained everything clearly.