VLC FW 3.0 Swift 3.0

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VLC FW 3.0 Swift 3.0

Postby Elreys » 13 Nov 2017 22:19

Hello Guys,

I like to implement VideoAspectRatio and Crop,
but I dont understand what I need to do, I found the official Documentation,

@property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY) char *videoAspectRatio;

* Set/Get current video aspect ratio.
* param: psz_aspect new video aspect-ratio or NULL to reset to default
* \note Invalid aspect ratios are ignored.
* \return the video aspect ratio or NULL if unspecified
* (the result must be released with free()).

var videoAspectRatio: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>! { get set }

How I can implement UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>! in Swift the Template shows this:

Code: Select all

if ([_aspectRatios[_currentAspectRatioMask] isEqualToString:@"FILL_TO_SCREEN"]) { UIScreen *screen = [UIScreen mainScreen]; float f_ar = screen.bounds.size.width / screen.bounds.size.height; if (f_ar == (float)(640./1136.)) // iPhone 5 aka 16:9.01 _mediaplayer.videoCropGeometry = "16:9"; else if (f_ar == (float)(2./3.)) // all other iPhones _mediaplayer.videoCropGeometry = "16:10"; // libvlc doesn't support 2:3 crop else if (f_ar == .75) // all iPads _mediaplayer.videoCropGeometry = "4:3"; else if (f_ar == .5625) // AirPlay _mediaplayer.videoCropGeometry = "16:9"; else NSLog(@"unknown screen format %f, can't crop", f_ar); NSLog(@"FILL_TO_SCREEN"); return;

Please I need you help

Thanks :)

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Joined: 20 Jun 2017 15:29
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Re: VLC FW 3.0 Swift 3.0

Postby bubu? » 14 Nov 2017 11:20


I'm not sure to understand it correctly but here it goes.
If you want to change the aspect ratio or crop in Swift, you could do something like this:

Code: Select all

self.mediaPlayer.videoAspectRatio = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>(mutating: "insert_wanted_aspect_ratio")

mediaPlayer being a VLCMediaPlayer instance.
Soomin Lee - bubu

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