playback from OneDrive pauses

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playback from OneDrive pauses

Postby leodiangelo » 25 Aug 2017 13:12

Hi, I am using VLC on my Iphone6 and am trying to play back music tracks stored on OneDrive, All goes well to start, but the track suddenly stops after a certain unpredictable time, usually around 50%+/- of the track. If it is not touched, after about a minute it suddenly starts up again and happily continues to the end of the track.
If I just play a single track direct from OneDrive, without going through VLC, it plays perfectly, but of course this only plays one single track, not the open folder, hence using VLC.
This is behaving rather like the old buffering situation of the early days, but I can't believe that is what it is as these audio files are very small.
So, help please, as I am very fond of VLC and have used it for a long time on Windows and Mac machines with no problems at all.
Thanks, Leo

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Re: playback from OneDrive pauses

Postby bubu? » 25 Aug 2017 16:38


Sounds like a connection speed issue to me, I wasn't able to reproduce it neither in 2.7.8 nor in 2.8.0.
Soomin Lee - bubu

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Re: playback from OneDrive pauses

Postby leodiangelo » 25 Aug 2017 19:01

Update on my original post!!

This is definitely a problem in VLC, as I have tried it out on CloudBeats app and all plays as normal.
This eliminates any problems with both my phone and also with OneDrive and the files, so there only remains VLC.
Anyone any ideas on a setting that may be causing this, for some reason VLC will only play for about 2 minutes, then it has to stop and then restart again after about a minute.

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Re: playback from OneDrive pauses

Postby bubu? » 26 Aug 2017 01:00

Just to be sure, what version of VLC-iOS are you currently using?
Plus, do you encounter this issue with every file or only with a specific file(s)/filetype?
Soomin Lee - bubu

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 25 Aug 2017 12:57

Re: playback from OneDrive pauses

Postby leodiangelo » 26 Aug 2017 13:53

I have version 2.7.8 (278.1), downloaded only this week, so I assume latest version.
The problem exists on all files, no matter which format, mp3, AVI, etc.

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