Feature request: Stream movies via Dropbox with .srt subtitles working

iOS, iPad, iPhone, tvOS specific usage questions
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Feature request: Stream movies via Dropbox with .srt subtitles working

Postby Grover_vlc » 05 May 2017 14:20

(Taken from this discussion: https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.ph ... 32#p456032)

I am trying now to stream a movie directly from my Dropbox movie folder through VLC iOS. The movie plays without any problems... great. There is a .srt file in that folder that has the same filename as the movie itself, but VLC does not display the subtitles inside the movie when I stream the movie like this. Why is that?

I tried to actually download the movie from Dropbox locally on my iPad in VLC iOS, including the .srt file and... now it does display the subtitles inside the movie. This is great, but why can't it work with streaming the movie? The whole point of having Dropbox for this purpose it that i can happily stream movie into VLC, but why does VLC not display the subtitle then? Now the great functionally that VLC offers to actually stream movies from Dropbox gets diminished because we can't see the subtitles this way... Can this be fixed for a (much needed) new version or it this an iOS limitation?

Thank you.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 11
Joined: 04 May 2017 12:45

Re: Feature request: Stream movies via Dropbox with .srt subtitles working

Postby Grover_vlc » 05 May 2017 20:52

I think I found out it must not be an IOS limitation, but (thankfully, so it can be fixed) an VLC issue.

I tested it with another iOS app called nPlayer (free version) and here it is:

image uploader

(I put on the screen controls, so you can see it is nPlayer actually playing the video)

And as you can see, the english .srt subtitles are displayed! 8)
This is fantastic... I found an app (even for free), that can actually stream movies directly from Dropbox and display the .srt subtitles!
This is all we need... no need/hassle anymore to download movies from Dropbox to our iPad and then play it... no... stream it directly from Dropbox with .srt subtitles present.

Hopefully VLC can fix this in it's app for iOS in a future release.

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