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m3u playlist support for tv streams

Posted: 26 Jan 2017 14:14
by pizzafunghi

I´m streaming live-tv from my fritz box router (with an internal dvb-c receiver) to my Desktop VLC app on a Mac. For doing this, I´ve created one m3u playlist with all the available stations. I just open this play list with vlc and all the stations are showing up.
If I´m trying this with vlc mobile, no stations are showing up, but the first station in the playlist start playing.
So my question is: Is this not yet implemented in the iOS.version or am I doing something wrong? If it´s not implemented yet, ist it planned, or is ther some kine of workaround?

Thanks in advance for your input!

Re: m3u playlist support for tv streams

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 09:41
by ssbmaccom
Hi, there was a similar post here quite a while ago. If I remember correctly, support for m3u playlists is in progress.
I have the same with m3u playlists from my Enigma SAT receiver and well... instead of using VLC I made my own App (tvOS) for gathering info and then passing the stream urls to VLCKit for playback.

Re: m3u playlist support for tv streams

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 17:57
by brennen
Is this app available on the apple tv apple tv app store

Re: m3u playlist support for tv streams

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:38
by ssbmaccom
Sure, search for "vuplusTV" in the AppStore on the AppleTV.
Prerequisite is an Enigma2 (Linux) based receiver with OpenWebIF (min 0.4.8) installed to retrieve the information about TV Services (next version will include Radio Services as well) and Recordings using the REST API of OpenWebIF - parsing the m3u File is not sufficient for EPG Info etc. Playback of the streams is done using VLCKit as AVMediaPlayer on tvOS does not support TS-Streams.

There is a support thread on and I have a small Redmine server for the project. In case of questions, feel free to contact me directly.

Just give it a try, it is a free-of-charge App..

Re: m3u playlist support for tv streams

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 13:57
by corsaire
I would say same thing here, used on iOS on a iPhone6s.

I have created a .m3u file that is just a list of all the available stations streamed through HTTP in my network, but if the app opens the file without trouble, all I can see is the first channel, pressing "next" has no effect.