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Doesnt stream mp4

Posted: 15 Dec 2016 17:28
by Ferezz
Vlc for by far the best app there is for playing videos its perfect
But i cant seem to "open network streams" mp4 files
It takes more than 5 mins to get the videos running and it finally does run the screen is white
Please fix it
BTW only mp4 shows this problem other formats run fine
Also i am running latest vlc in ios 10.2
And looks like it also shows probs with .avi files
It runs great for 20 sec than it automatically shuts down

Re: Doesnt stream mp4

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 18:08
by ssbmaccom
what kind of connection do you use?
smb, http, ftp?
I may anyway not present you a solution for this problem, but I am sure this info is helpful for others ;-)