Doesnt stream mp4
Posted: 15 Dec 2016 17:28
Vlc for by far the best app there is for playing videos its perfect
But i cant seem to "open network streams" mp4 files
It takes more than 5 mins to get the videos running and it finally does run the screen is white
Please fix it
BTW only mp4 shows this problem other formats run fine
Also i am running latest vlc in ios 10.2
And looks like it also shows probs with .avi files
It runs great for 20 sec than it automatically shuts down
Vlc for by far the best app there is for playing videos its perfect
But i cant seem to "open network streams" mp4 files
It takes more than 5 mins to get the videos running and it finally does run the screen is white
Please fix it
BTW only mp4 shows this problem other formats run fine
Also i am running latest vlc in ios 10.2
And looks like it also shows probs with .avi files
It runs great for 20 sec than it automatically shuts down