player detects subtitles but doesn't show them

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player detects subtitles but doesn't show them

Postby Jelluhtjuh » 03 Nov 2016 10:23

so im using VLC mobile player on my iPad 4 with ios 10. I have to make a school project where i need to make my own subtitles for a video. So i made a .srt file with the same name as the video and uploaded them both on dropbox. From the app i logged in to dropbox and downloaded both vid and srt. now if i whatch the video it shows that there are subs available and if i click "track 1" is marks it and goes back to the video. but it doesnt show my subtitles. I've tried making a line 10 minutes long i case i just missed it. but it still doesnt show anything. my file looks like this:

00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:45,000

00:00:45,000 --> 00:02:00,000
still testing...

i hope i can get an aswer soon,

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