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Integrate MobileVLCKit without CocoaPod

Posted: 08 Sep 2016 11:11
by shawon_rejaul
Hi, I used cocoapod to install MobileVLCKit but became unsuccessful. How can i build and create libMobileVLC.a like file. Also i can now play files using the framework but when it comes to streaming from server the video is pretty much full of lag and jitter. The Actual VLC app has no jittter or grey screen. Any Idea how to make is jitter free ?

Re: Integrate MobileVLCKit without CocoaPod

Posted: 12 Sep 2016 16:40
by fkuehne
I strongly recommend to use a cocoapod. Compiling VLCKit yourself is not trivial (but you can, see the git repository on

Which pod did you try?

Re: Integrate MobileVLCKit without CocoaPod

Posted: 18 Sep 2016 11:22
by shawon_rejaul
Did use the command MobileVlcKit on pod, i Suppose that installs the latest one ?