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Apple TV - SMB folder refresh

Posted: 27 Jun 2016 17:47
by cavaliersa
When using VLC for Apple TV and browsing a SMB share, is there a way to refresh the folder contents?
The only way I can see is to go all the way back to the main menu and reconnect to the share.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Re: Apple TV - SMB folder refresh

Posted: 13 Jul 2016 11:32
by fkuehne
Regrettably, that's the only way so far. The underlying libvlc parser cannot re-scan a folder as of yet.

Re: Apple TV - SMB folder refresh

Posted: 13 Jul 2016 11:41
by cavaliersa
Cool, thanks for letting me know!
Would it be possible to do a pull down refresh or other some such that simply performs a scan like it does when connecting to the share?

Re: Apple TV - SMB folder refresh

Posted: 13 Jul 2016 11:43
by fkuehne
Yeah, that's the idea once the underlying library is fixed.