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VLC on tvOS fails during remote playback upload

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 04:52
by markian
I think I've found a bug with remote playback. All is well if a single file is uploaded. However, if multiple files are uploaded, either via drag and drop or the '+' file browser, one of two things seems to happen:
  • If a file is already uploaded and playing, playback is restarted if a second file uploads sufficient to play; note that the new file is not the one to start playing.
  • If you have nothing playing and try to upload a bunch of files, they all upload simultaneously and seem to reach a point where any of them could stream. At this point VLC on the AppleTV quits and the uploads are interrupted. However, nothing indicates that they've been interrupted until they stop partway through trying to watch.
It seems that disabling the autoplay in the remote playback might solve this, but I don't see a way to do that. Anyone have similar experiences? Should I file this as a bug, or am I being dumb?


Re: VLC on tvOS fails during remote playback upload

Posted: 25 Apr 2016 19:02
by fkuehne
Ouch, thanks for the report. We will look into this!

Re: VLC on tvOS fails during remote playback upload

Posted: 27 Feb 2017 06:58
by Didier2000
Hi guys !

I've got the very same issue but I have not been able to find similar report anywhere else. Strange...
So I was wondering if you found a way to solve this since last year.

Being able to store and play movie one by one only is a bit frustrating.

Many thanks !