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Is it possible to play RTP stream using VLCkit in iphone?

Posted: 03 Mar 2016 07:54
by mine@1987
I want to achieve video streaming from ip camera to ios.

i am able to capture rtp packets from ip camera
how can we use vlckit to play rtp stream to iphone?

Thank you

Re: Is it possible to play RTP stream using VLCkit in iphone?

Posted: 04 Mar 2016 21:07
by fkuehne
You should be able to play any RTP stream with VLCKit that you can play with the normal VLC on Mac or PC. See the VLCKit sample code on how to get started.

Re: Is it possible to play RTP stream using VLCkit in iphone?

Posted: 07 Mar 2016 05:20
by mine@1987
Thank you,I will check sample code of vlckit.

Re: Is it possible to play RTP stream using VLCkit in iphone?

Posted: 07 Mar 2016 07:40
by mine@1987
Hello Mr.Felix,
i am not able to find sample code for play RTP Stream..could you please guide me

Let me explain the steps what i did till now,

1) captured RTP packets and the same written to udp socket
2) using sdp file able to play in vlc

now,i am planning to integrate VLCKit instead of playing in VLC

how can i input sdp file to vlckit after start writing rtp stream to udp socket.

Re: Is it possible to play RTP stream using VLCkit in iphone?

Posted: 07 Mar 2016 13:08
by dhananjay,c
I have exactly the same requirement.

Re: Is it possible to play RTP stream using VLCkit in iphone?

Posted: 01 Jul 2021 18:31
by isa56k
Is this possible with VLCKit for Swift/iOS now?

I have the same requirement to play an RTP stream using an SDP file.

Re: Is it possible to play RTP stream using VLCkit in iphone?

Posted: 02 Jul 2021 06:19
by fkuehne
You should be able to open the SDP file with VLCKit just like with the desktop application. However, if you want to deploy Multicast RTP, you will need a special entitlement from Apple (Unicast will work fine without):