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Sharing USB drive through Airport Extreme to Apple TV

Posted: 14 Jan 2016 06:26
by J9904970
I have a USB drive plugged into an Airport Extreme router. The Airport supports SMB sharing, which I believe VLC on Apple TV supports. But the USB drive does not show up in the list of local network locations. Any reason for this? Is this type of sharing not supported?


Re: Sharing USB drive through Airport Extreme to Apple TV

Posted: 14 Jan 2016 14:01
by fkuehne
That should be supported - is the disk visible to other computers on your LAN like a Mac or PC?

Re: Sharing USB drive through Airport Extreme to Apple TV

Posted: 15 Jan 2016 23:32
by lkrupp
I have the same issue. My iMac can see the USB drive connected to my Airport Extreme. The OS X VLC app can see it too and play content on it. The Apple TV VLC app, under the “local network” tab shows the Airport SMB but when I select and login to the Airport Extreme SMB I get an “Empty Folder” message instead of the USB drive icon. The Apple TV VLC app does see my iMac SMB and I have access to all the drives connected to it and I can play content from those drives. It’s just the Airport Extreme drive that I can’t get to from the Apple TV VLC app.

Re: Sharing USB drive through Airport Extreme to Apple TV

Posted: 16 Jan 2016 00:19
by dannyg723
Same problem as above. Shows the Airport SMB but shows "Empty Folder." works everywhere else

Re: Sharing USB drive through Airport Extreme to Apple TV

Posted: 16 Jan 2016 18:18
by fkuehne
Yep, a fix is in the works and will hopefully land in 1.0.2 (it was too late for 1.0.1).

Re: Sharing USB drive through Airport Extreme to Apple TV

Posted: 30 Jan 2016 14:10
by teddy617
when will 1.0.2 be released ?

Re: Sharing USB drive through Airport Extreme to Apple TV

Posted: 01 Feb 2016 13:36
by fkuehne
It was released on Jan 26, but apparently not all SMB issues are fixed, just most.

Re: Sharing USB drive through Airport Extreme to Apple TV

Posted: 29 Mar 2016 11:47
by oim
Hi everyone,
Has the problem been solved? I'm considering investing in an AppleTV for this exact purpose...
