project for AppleTV reveals some leaks

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Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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project for AppleTV reveals some leaks

Postby ssbmaccom » 29 Dec 2015 13:08


I built my App with VLC API that is about 1 week ago. I will retry with a new build in a few days.
I ran my App with Leaks Instrument on my AppleTV and found a few leaks, that are originated in libVLC.
Some happen with calls to ToLower() and somehappen with calls to strdup().

Maybe a missing free ;-)

I can give more details or share my Instruments trace on request after New Years Day,


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Re: project for AppleTV reveals some leaks

Postby fkuehne » 29 Dec 2015 15:44

Patches or tickets on trac or both are welcome.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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