Upnp content doesn't want to play in 2.6.3

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Upnp content doesn't want to play in 2.6.3

Postby boot2k3 » 31 Jul 2015 16:28

When I try to click on any IPTV channel, nothing happened.
I use playlist via upnp. I see all channels as it was before, but they don't work.
In 2.6.2 all is working, so I need to downgrade it now

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Re: Upnp content doesn't want to play in 2.6.3

Postby fkuehne » 06 Aug 2015 12:03

This is resolved in 2.6.4 released today.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.
Blog: https://www.feepk.net

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