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Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 01 Jul 2015 08:11
by navy1978
Hi guys,
I was using the url schema with the previous version without problem, with this syntax:
VLC was called correctly the video was visualized in Full screen mode and clicking on "DONE" I was able to go back to the URL specified.
with new version: 2.6.0 installed this morning, everything is changed:
video starts in small windows on bottom of the screen and if I click "DONE" nothing happens...
Are there new specs for URL schema? or is a bug in the new version?
Please let me know.
Thank you
have a nice day
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 02 Jul 2015 11:28
by fkuehne
In fact, we didn't adapt the URL handler in the correct way. Will fix in 2.6.2.
This is covered by the following ticket on trac.
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 02 Jul 2015 20:02
by navy1978
I look forward for the new release, Do you have already a date for the 2.6.2?
Please let me know.
Thank you
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 02 Jul 2015 20:04
by navy1978
Sorry! I have just seen on the ticket (clicking on the release version) that the date should be 12/lug/2015 ...
Thank you again
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 04 Jul 2015 13:19
by fkuehne
Yes, we are waiting for 2.6.1 to be approved by Apple and hope to submit 2.6.2 for review immediately after. It should be around that date, but keep in mind that review waiting times can be up to a week or more.
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 14 Jul 2015 12:32
by navy1978
Hi Guys,
First of all thanks for your effort to make VLC the best player.
I see now the problem with URL scheme is solved, BUT now all the stream urls that I pass are not played, I can hear the sound but nothing is displayed (a black video in full screen with sound but without video)
Please note that doesn't matter which type of codec is used...
Thank you
Have a nice day
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 15 Jul 2015 23:33
by fkuehne
Thanks for the follow-up. We will check that
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 17 Jul 2015 07:28
by navy1978
Thank you!
Can I ask if it is possible to prioritize a little bit this check? My web app uses a lot the vlc URL scheme and is more or less 1 month that is not usable anymore...
Thank you again
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 17 Jul 2015 10:21
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Thank you!
Can I ask if it is possible to prioritize a little bit this check? My web app uses a lot the vlc URL scheme and is more or less 1 month that is not usable anymore...
Thank you again
Then file a bugreport.
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 17 Jul 2015 12:26
by navy1978
How can I do that?
P.s. I'm a Java developer, with basic knowledges of Objective C, can I help you?
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 17 Jul 2015 12:58
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Use the bugreport tool.
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 19 Jul 2015 21:02
by navy1978
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 26 Jul 2015 10:20
by fkuehne
Thanks a lot for your ticket. I was able to isolate and reproduce your issue. A fix is included in version 2.6.3, which was submitted for review 2 days ago. I have no way to tell when Apple will approve it, though, hopefully next week.
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 01 Aug 2015 08:18
by navy1978
Hi Felix,
Thank you, I have tested it, and now part of the problem is fixed but not completely... I will try to explain:
before 2.6.0:
failure opening a stream --> you were redirect to che calling app (specified url)
clicching on done (after a failue or during play)--> you were redirect to che calling app (specified url)
all thes treams except AC3 were opened without problem
version 2.6.3:
failure opening a stream --> you ramain in VLC app
clicching on done (after a failue or during play)--> you ramain in VLC app
a lot of streams ar not opene anymore (mmsh for example)--> error message appairs on the screen and if you click OK you are not redirect to the calling app
So, I can resume them in: It seeems that the stream urls specified in the url scheme uri don't work and VLC is not able anymore to play a lot of streams that before were working
I hope is clear.
If you need I open a defect for that just let me know.
P.S. in order to help you more, there is a way to enable log files? or better can I test the VLC IOS APP on mac without having to pay the 99 dollars to Apple , please let me know, I wuld like to help...
P.P.S. if you need some urls for testing purpose, I can send you in private message, please let me know.
Thank you
Have a nice day
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 01 Aug 2015 13:37
by fkuehne
Thanks a lot for the follow-up and further details. Please PM me your URLs. If you include your email (and in case you run iOS 8 or later), I can include you in our private beta, too.
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 01 Aug 2015 19:00
by fkuehne
Random side question, are you encoding your URLs? You need to do so in recent releases..
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 03 Aug 2015 20:45
by navy1978
I have sent you a private message. For encoding urls, what do you mean to escape the special chars like "/" or space or whatever?
Please let me know.
Thank you
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 04 Aug 2015 12:15
by fkuehne
Yes, you always need to encode the URLs you provide by escaping all non-ascii characters. Most toolchains provide a convenience function to do so. I can highly recommend this page to test your encoding:
Re: Url scheme doesn't work in new version(2.6.0)
Posted: 07 Aug 2015 07:19
by navy1978
yes I'm using the escape method in Js. Anyway I have sent you my email address in private message, please add me to the test release. Thank you.