I am working on an app using a universal binary of MobileVLCKit with a wrapper found here https://github.com/dalexsoto/MobileVLCK ... amarin.iOS
Due to long compile/linking times I have created a project that 'lipo's' the library into one for simulator and one for real devices, and then compiles them into "dll"s
Those dll's are referenced in the xamarin project for the app. The problem is that the size of the app is too large.
mobilevlckit dll sizes are 347 MB for devices and 257 MB for simulator. The result is that the app is too large for the 60MB (armv7) and 80MB (arm64) limits of the app store.
How can I use the MobileVLCKit UB in my project without running into problems with app store size limits and without long compiling/linking times