I have a problem with streaming video and VLC for iOS, latest version. It affects both iPads and Iphones.
I want to stream (not download) video from my NAS, a Synology when I'm not on my lokal network, hence this has nothing to do with UPNP or DLNA. For this I use a Synology app on my Iphone called DSfile, it's more or less just a file browser. I connect (with password etc) to my NAS and from within this browser I just tap any video file I want to play, and somehow VLC starts and starts to buffer the stream, within seconds the video plays and all is well.
HOWEVER, this is all done on a non-enkrypted session (HTTP-login), when I switch to a more secure login method (HTTPS login) and repeat the above VLC tries to start the file but immediately prompts me with an error message (a very long error message which ends with suggesting me too refer to a debug log which I don't know how to find).
Now to the question, how can I be of assistance inorder for you guys to solve this thing (provided you want to of course , which I hope).
Vaguely related, I found this on the forum
https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.ph ... gy#p381013
It describes an old problem which seems to be fixed since I can start video files when using HTTP-login.