VLC 2.3 on iPad won't even find windows media server files

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VLC 2.3 on iPad won't even find windows media server files

Postby Stalkbroker » 31 May 2014 23:49

I just bought an iPad Air (iOS 7.1) and installed vlc 2.3. I have shared all my video n music files on my PC by windows media server and I can access them on my iPhone 5 (also iOS 7.1) via vlc but I don't even see those files on my ipad in vlc. I just see the name of the server in the local network tab but when I click I just see an empty screen with a search box. Please help coz I can't find any reason for this issue. Thanks

PS: I also tried playerXtreme on my ipad and exactly the same issue. Works on iPhone but not on ipad

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