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UPNP 108 video files per folder limit

Posted: 17 Feb 2014 02:37
by Meemo
Hi, devs,

I am using:

iPhone 5 with ios 7.0.4
VLC for ios 2.2.2
TwonkyServer 7.2.6 as UPNP server on Windows XP SP3

My issue is that VLC will only show the first 108 video files (in alphabetical order) in any given folder, excluding subfolders. I don't know if the limit applies to subfolders too because I don't have any folders with a large number of subfolders within them. Twonky is configured to use my existing folder structure so it is not a problem with the navigation tree etc. I would rather not have to break up my existing structure into smaller "chunks".

As far as I can tell from the Twonky forums it is not a server-side bug, the issue seems to be with VLC so I thought I would post here because you have been extremely helpful in the past. Many thanks again and I would be very grateful for any help you can offer on this problem.

Excellent work on the most recent update and fix by the way.

Re: UPNP 108 video files per folder limit

Posted: 17 Feb 2014 13:28
by fkuehne
To be honest, I don't have any folder with 108+ files. Let me try to reproduce this :)

Re: UPNP 108 video files per folder limit

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 00:07
by Meemo
Hi, Felix,
I guess you have had no luck with this issue and it doesn't really matter because I seem to be the only one who has noticed or is affected by it. Not a huge problem, maybe I will just work around it and keep an eye on the forums just in case you find a fix.
Thanks for looking into it anyway and please keep up the good work.

Re: UPNP 108 video files per folder limit

Posted: 26 Aug 2014 03:06
by ap0803
I'm seeing the limit as well, although its slightly different. I have 337 files and folders in one of the folders on a WD My Cloud server. When I try to view, by folder, the files on the server with VLC on an iPad 2, system 7.1.2, I see the first 32 folders and the the first 100 files (in alphabetical format) Thats it. Same is true for looking by title, date & all videos, with the 108 limit as described above.

Apple MacBook Pro 13 inch (Mid 2010) OSX Yosemite
iPhone 4 iOS 7.0.6

Re: UPNP 108 video files per folder limit

Posted: 26 Aug 2014 03:07
by ap0803
I forgot, verson on iPad is VLC for iOS version 2.3.0.

Re: UPNP 108 video files per folder limit

Posted: 17 May 2017 07:43
by cs2001vlc

I am still seeing a very similar problem with the current version of VLC. I am using VLC for Mobile v2.7.8 under iOS 10.3.1

Within VLC, when I drill down on my uPNP server (3 subfolder levels) to where the bulk of my video files are, I can only see 125 of the 300 folders that exist. Other apps don't have this problem with listing all of the folders, so I don't think it is a server-side problem.

I have had this problem for as long as I have had VLC installed on my iPhone (at least two years), so it is not specific to my currently installed version.

I realize that I could change how I organize my file system, but I'd rather keep it the way it is. Any other suggestions?